Whenever you have an argument with your husband, you will sometimes feel tempted to tell your parents about it. After all, who else can you turn to when life isn't so rosy, but your parents. You know that you have a 99% chance that Mom and/or Dad will take your side.
I've seen a lot of wives who've had a row with their husbands (and vise versa), go back to their parents house to ride out an argument. But often, when the argument is not earth-shaking enough, the couple settles their problems and the runaway spouse moves back into the conjugal home.
So, what's wrong with telling your parents about the fight? Yes, you will feel good when you surround yourself with people who will listen and agree with you that your spouse is wrong and you are right. But what happens when you've kissed and made up? Your love for your husband (or wife) will make you forget (or mask) about what happened, but your parents' love for you will only magnify his shortcomings. Get the picture?
Want to know my thoughts about a relationship issue? Send me an e-mail at hookedandhitched@gmail.com.
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